Legendary League

The Legend of the Legendary League

Just over 100 years ago, our nation took a major step toward being a more equal and fair democracy than ever before when the 19th Amendment to our Constitution was ratified. The passing of that Amendment was the culmination of more than 70 years of struggle led by suffragists to secure the right to vote for women.

Join us for this presentation in which we pause for a moment to reflect on how remarkable this was, for how often in history can we point to a disenfranchised group successfully and nonviolently lobbying those who hold power to share it with those who have none?

  • ☛ Can you name suffragists who fought for the vote here in Crawfordsville and Indiana?
  • ☛ Can you name suffragists who weren’t white?
  • ☛ Did you know that women had the right to vote in some American colonies BEFORE being excluded by states?
  • ☛ Are you aware of the ongoing barriers that some people face in order to vote?

You’ll learn answers to these questions and more through this informative presentation, brought to you in collaboration between CDPL and the League of Women Voters of Montgomery County.